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    2 Author(s):  SONU KUMAR , KUSHAM LATA

Vol -  4, Issue- 3 ,         Page(s) : 836 - 845  (2013 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Social Media in today’s time played a vital role in socialconnectivity. There are 82 million users of social media. It open the way of direct communication this study is about to explore the social media use by people. Social media provide peoples to create a web society and follow some rules and regulation. On social sites people develop their own rules to behave on the net. This study is to know what accepted social norms are followed by the new media users. There are not any written rules by any group, but followed by everyone. Content analysis method is use to studying and analyzing communication in systematic objective and quantities manners for the purpose of measuring variables. Eighty face book users profile is studied from the period of 15th to 20th March 2013 and around 204 post of the user’s actively examined the tabulated according their specific concern of profile like, photo, gender, age, no. of friends and also topic status updates, likes and nature of comments on the sharing post.

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