1.Daniel Thorner- deindustrialization in india, 1883-1931, in “land and labour in India”.
2.J.Krishnamurthy- articles in IESHR March 1967 and EPW, 26 June 1976 and CEHI, vol II, Ch. VI
3.M. Vicziany – article in IESHR, 1979,April-June
4.A.K.Bagchi – Reply to M. Viczinay in IESHR, 1979, April-June.
5.Meghnad Desai-‘Demand for Cotton Textiles in Nineteenth Century India’, IESHR, December 1971
6.Colin Simmons- deindustrialization, Industrialisation and the Indian Economy, C.1850-1947, MAS, July 1985, Vol.19, pt.3
7.P.Patnaik And Jayati Ghosh- ‘de-industrialisation without an import surplus’ EPW, Annual No. 1991
8.Tirthankar Ray- article in IESHR, 1988.
9.P. Harnety-“De-industrialisation Revisited: The Handloom Weavers of the central provinces, C. 1800-1947”, MAS, 1991.