( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  DR. PREETI CHAUDHARY

Vol -  5, Issue- 3 ,         Page(s) : 37 - 41  (2014 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Kamla Das, is one of the most distinctive and original poet writing in English. She was born on March 31, 1934, in Malabar, Kerela, with, her maiden name, Madhavikutty. Together with a traditional upbringing. She was open to intellectual influence to open knowledge. She was the daughter of BalamaniAmma, a poet and Mr.V.M. Nair,a former head of the popular nationalist daily, ‘Matrubhoomi’. She was known by different names: to her Malayam readers as Madhavikutty, to her English audience as KamlaDas and her latest avatar as KamlaSuraiyya, but the spirit as the same bold,forthright and often painfully honest. She was one of the very few writers from Kerala who writes effortlessly both in English and Malayalam, yet maintaining high standards in both. Through her bold self-expression, she has established her distinctive personality. C.V. Venugopal rightly states:

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1. Venugopal, C.V. ‘Kamla Das: The Seeker After Truth’, Living Indian English Poets: An Anthology of Critical Essays, ed. Madhusudan Prasad. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1989. Print
2. Tilak, Raghukul. New Indian English Poets and Poetry. New Delhi: Rama Brothers,  1997.
3. My Story.New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1978. Print.          
4. Daruwalla, Keki N. “Introduction”.  Two Decades of Indian Poetry: 1960-1980. Shahibabad: Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. 1980. Print: XXVII
5. Jaggi, Satya Dev. “Rev. of Summer in Calcutta” Thought(April 16, 1966): 17-18. Print.
6. Das, Kamla: “Introduction”
7. Manu; Manusmriti, Thakur Prasad Book, Varanasi, Chapter 5, P. 198.
8. Das, Kamla: “The Old Playhouse”.
9. Eliot, T. S.: ”Tradition and Individual Talent” in Shiv K. Kumar edited book Three Essays by T. S. Eliot, Macmillan Pub., New Delhi.
10. Das, Kamla: “My Story” Sterling Paperback, New Delhi, 1979, P.165.
11. Tonight, This Savage Rite. New Delhi: Arnold Heinemann, 1984. 

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