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Vol -  5, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 221 - 234  (2014 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


E-commerce in travel and tourism is growing day by day which provide opportunity to this industry to groom and grow. Due to change in Information technology, e commerce is emerged in this industry and companies are now heading toward e-business through website, internet and different online software. Moving from traditional business way to e-commerce way is quite challenging and various factors are standing as a barrier for companies to adapt e-commerce. There several advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce in travel and tourism industry. To adapt e-commerce, this industry's main challenge is to transform traditional buyers to e-commerce buyers.

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19. Dale, Ceispin (2003), The Competitive Networks of Tourism e-Mediaries: New Strategies, New advantages. Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol. 9, No. 2, 109-118.
20. Frew, Andrew J. (2000), Information and Communications Technology Research in the Travel and Tourism Domain: Perspective and Direction. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 39, No. 2, 136-145.
21. Gasson, S. (2006), The Impact of E-commerce Technology on the Air Travel Industry. IGI Publishing 2006.

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