Vol - 5, Issue- 4 ,
Page(s) : 278 - 284
(2014 )
If we see the history of human beings is the history of the endeavor of mankind to live a moral life. Moral life has not always been the same. It keeps on changing from time to time. But there are some moral principles like Ahimsā , which do not change with time and place. What are those moral principles? What are constituents of a moral life? How to achieve it? Why does human being struggle to lead a moral life? These questions have always occupied the human mind. The most dominating personalities of India, as Gandhi, have dwelt on the notion of Ahimsā as the most important aspect of moral life. The purpose of this study is to highlight the parallels and divergences in the mindsets of most influential person of the world through a comparative study of the thought of Gandhi.
- A Hindu Primer, by Shukavak N. Dasa; Sanskrit dictionary reference.
- A Hindu Primer, by Shukavak N. Dasa; Sanskrit dictionary reference.
- Gandhi's Philosophy of Ahimsa and Its Application to Current Conflicts.
- Gandhi M.d. Satyagrahaa in South Africa, p.177.
- Gandhi, M.K., An Autobiography on the story of my experiments with truth, p.337.
- Gandhi, M.K., An Autobiography on the story of my experiments with truth, p.337.
- Gandhi, M.K., An Autobiography on the story of my experiments with truth, p.337.
- Ibid., 616.
- Hindu Dharma, p.242.
- Quod vide, S. Radhakrishnan, Religion and Society, p.236.
- Selections from Gandhi, N.K. Bose, p.155.
- Hindu Dharma, pp.216, 222-3.
- Hingorani A.T. (ed.), The Law of Love, p.85.
- Hindu Dharma, p.63 also see Gandhi; for pacifists.
- Prabhu R.K. & Rao U.r., the Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, p.179.
- Ibid.
- Sen N.B. (ed.) Wit and Wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi, p.163.
- All men are brothers, p.139.
- Ibid., p.128.
- Jack H.A., Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi, p.75.
- Gandhi, A story of my experiments with truth, p.371.
- Hindu Dharma, p.240.
- Ibid., p.220.
- In search of supmreme, Vol. II, p.303.
- Radhakrishnan, S. & Moore, J.H., Contemporary Indian Philosophy, p.21.
- Selections from Gandhi, p.7.
- Quod vide Bondurant, J.V., Conquest of Violence, p.26.
- Tendulkar, Mahatma, Vol. V, p.183.