1. THE Holy Quran verse 31 of surah 24
2. Mernissi, Fatima. (1993) Women and Islam, 1987 Trans. Mary Jo Lakeland, 1991, Kali for Women, New Delhi
3. The Holy Quran verse 59 of surah 33
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8. Engineer, Asghar Ali. (1980) The Origin and Development of Islam, Orient Longman, Bombay
9. Mernissi, Fatima. (1993) Women and Islam, 1987 Trans. Mary Jo Lakeland, 1991, Kali for Women, New Delhi
10. Shaheed, F. “The Cultural Articulation of Patriarchy: Legal Systems, Islam and Women.” South Asia Bulletin 6, no. 1 (1986): 38–44.
11. Arnett, Susan. King's College History Department, "Purdah." Last modified 2001. Accessed March 18, 2013. http://departments.kings.edu/womens_history/purdah.html.
12. Veiling and the Seclusion of Women. US Library of Congress
13. Papanek, Hanna. “Purdah: Separate Worlds and Symbolic Shelter.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 15, no. 03 (1973): 289–325. doi:10.1017/S001041750000712X.
14. Maudidi, A. Purdah and Status of Women in Islam, (pg .118)
15. Arnett, S. 1998 http://departments.kings.edu/womens_history/purdah.html