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4. Toor, Shamas-ur-Rehman. & Ofori, George. (2009). Ethical Leadership: Examining the Relationships with Full Range Leadership Model, Employee Outcomes, and Organizational Culture. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(4), 533-547.
5. Gumusluoglu, Lale. & Ilsev, Arzu. (2009). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Innovation: The Roles of Internal and External Support for Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26, 264-277.
6. Yavirach, Natepanna. (2012). The Impact of Transformational and Transactional Leadership to Subordinates' Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment Affect to Team Effectiveness.
7. Duarte, Neville T.et al. (1994). Effects of Dyadic Quality and Duration on Performance Appraisal. The Academy of Management Journal, 37(3), 499-521
8. M. Kahn, Lawrence. (1993). Managerial Quality, Team Success, and Individual Player Performance in Major League Baseball. Cornell University, School of Industrial & Labor Relations Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 46(3), 531-547.
9. Fernandez, Sergio. (2008). Examining the Effects of Leadership Behavior on Employee Perceptions of Performance and Job Satisfaction. Public Performance & Management Review, 32(2), 175-205.
10. Papalexandris, Nancy & Galanaki, Eleanna.(2008). Leadership’s Impact on Employee Engagement: Differences Among Entrepreneurs and Professional CEOs . Leadership and Organization Development Journal.
11. Organizational Behavior
12 General Psychologies
13. Human development
14. Research Design and Methods Tata McGrawhill
15. Industry Psychology.
16. Psychological Testing by Anne Annastasi & Susana Urbina
17. Statistics in Psychology and Education S K Mangal
18. Applied Psychology- Dr. N K Chadha
19. Psychological Testing & Assessment by Lewis R Aiken
20.http://www.ukessays.com/essays/management/effect-of-training-and- development-on-employee-performance-management-essay.php#ixzz3AN3B5Lz7