( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  UMA SHARMA

Vol -  6, Issue- 1 ,         Page(s) : 319 - 322  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


With cloud computing, the software programs we use aren't run from your personal computer, but are rather stored on servers housed elsewhere and accessed via the Internet. If our individual computer crashes, the software is still available for others to use. The security risks associated with cloud vary and are dependent on a wide range of factors including the sensitivity of information assets, cloud architectures and security controls involved in a particular cloud environment. With public audit ability, a trusted entity with expertise and capabilities data owners do not possess can be delegated as an external audit party to assess the risk of outsourced data when needed. Such an auditing service not only helps save data owners’ computation resources but also provides a transparent yet cost-effective method for data owners to gain trust in the cloud. All types of users who require the secure transmission or storage of data in any kind of media or network. Since the data transmission on the internet or over any networks are vulnerable to the hackers attack.

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2. T. Ristenpart et al., “Hey, You, Get Off of My Cloud: Exploring Information Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds,” Proc. 16th ACM Conf. Computer and Communications Security, ACM Press, 2009, pp. 199–212.
3. G. Klein et al., “seL4: Formal Verification of an OS Kernel,” Proc. ACM SIGOPS 22nd Symp. Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 09), ACM Press, 2009, pp. 207–220.
4. Joseph, Randy Katz, Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing, University of California Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, February 10th, 2009.

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