( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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Vol -  6, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 152 - 156  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Cultural/heritage tourism is the fastest growing segment of the tourism industry because there is a trend toward an increased specialization among tourists. This trend is evident in the rise in the volume of tourists who seek adventure, culture, history, archaeology and interaction with local people. The recent studies about cultural/heritage tourism focused on the characteristics of tourists who visited cultural/heritage destinations. The study attempts to investigate the relationship between cultural/heritage destination attributes and tourist satisfaction, and to identify the relationship between cultural/heritage destination attributes and tourist satisfaction in terms of selected tourists’ demographic characteristics and travel behavior characteristics.

1. Kim, K. & Uysal M. “Effects of tourism impacts upon Quality of Life of residents in the community” was presented at Community Quality of Life Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, November 13-16, 2002
2. Kim, K. & Uysal, M. “Developing and testing perceived economic impact scales of festival and event tourism” was presented at 2001 International CHRIE conference, Toronto, Canada, July 2001.
3. Gursoy, D & Kim, K. (2002). Modeling the cost of travelers’ information search behavior. Proceedings of International CHRIE conference (based on the paper presented at the CHRIE Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, August 7-10, 2002)
4. McGehee, N. & Kim, K. (2002) Farmers’ motivation for agri-tourism business submitted to Journals of Travel Research
5. 2001 Instructor, Tourism Analysis (HTM 3454), Hospitality and Tourism Management, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
6. Kim, K. (2001). Multivariate methodologies applied to the study of Festival and Event tourism. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, p 249-253 (based on the paper at the Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, January 4-6, 2001).

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