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Vol -  6, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 176 - 189  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Technology has ushered in a new era of mass media, bringing with it great promise and great concerns about the effect on children’s development and wellbeing (Wartella& Jennings, 2000). Marlowe (1986) wrote that social skill is the ability to understand the feelings, thoughts and behavior of persons, in interpersonal situations and to act appropriately upon that understanding. This study aims to find the effect of frequent usage of technology on overall social skills and the six dimensions of social skills (viz., Presentation Skill, Interaction Skill, Conversation Skill, Social Integration, Attitude Towards Other Children, and Attitude Towards Adults) of children. The parents of arandomly selected sample of 60 students in the age range of 8-11 yearsresponded to an information schedule and to the Social Skills Problem Behavior Checklist (Mathur& Aurora, 2005).

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