( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  MS. REENA SETHI

Vol -  6, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 271 - 274  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Existentialism is a study of human existence. It is a doctrine of action. Life is nothing until it is lived; it is a man that gives meaning to it. Existentialism is concerned with the individual search for the meaning of his/her life through free will, choice and personal responsibility in the world. It is a philosophy which asserts that we are thrown into this world in order to make our meaning of life and our own value. This research paper focuses on the reflection of “existentialism” in Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea. The concept of hero whose triumph consists of stretching his own powers to their absolute limits regardless of their physical results gives The Old man and the Sea an existential approach. It confronts us with the man who is not capable of making an ultimate effort but makes it successfully and continuously.

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2. Jobes, Katherine T.ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Old Man and the Sea. Delhi; Prentice Hall, 1968.
3. Kaufmann, Walter. From Shakespeare: An Original Study. Princeton University Press, Princeton. New Jersey, 1980.
4. Pal, Santosh Kumar. A Critical Analysis of Sartre’s Existential Humanism. Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XXX, No 4 ISSN 0376-415X, (2003): pp. 575-586.
5. Khan, Masood Ali. Modern American Drama. Sublime Publications, Jaipur India, 2004.
6. Wolfreys, Julian, (eds.). Modern European Criticism and Theory, A Critical Guide. Edinburgh University Press, 2006.
7. http://www.gradesaver.com/complete-short-stories-of-ernest-hemingway/study-guide/hemingway-as-existentialist.
8. http://www.timelesshemingway.com/content/themesfaq.

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