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    1 Author(s):  AMIT K. KUSHWAHA

Vol -  6, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 328 - 333  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


India’s Foreign Policy has been fabricated by many ideals and realistic thoughts by eminent personalities of India but the influence of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy was most significant. The essential elements of Gandhi’s philosophy were the concepts of non-violence, the importance of the moral dimension in the conduct of men as well as nations, and satyagraha or the struggle for truth, compassion and justice. All these principles continue to influence India’s foreign policy even today. India’s foreign policy has its roots in its freedom struggle that was largely shaped by Gandhi’s values. The defining characteristics of India’s foreign policy in the first few decades after India’s independence were unquestionably inspired by Mahatma Gandhi likewise, India’s Foreign Policy followed the path of Non-alignment or the right to follow an independent foreign policy, Moral, diplomatic and economic support for the struggle against colonialism, racialism and apartheid, Non-violence and the quest for nuclear disarmament; and India’s role as an international peacemaker India’s position on world issues was informed by a rare moral clarity and courage which won India many admirers. Indeed, global perceptions of India’s Foreign policy were significantly shaped by Gandhi’s message.

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