1. Handbill No.74, Filastin al-Muslima [hereafter FM], June 1991.
2. Nels Johnson, (1982), “Islam and the Politics of Meaning in Palestinian (London1982)
3. Mithaq harakat al-muqawama al-islamiyya - Filastin (Hamas) (n.p., 1409h/1988) [hereafter the Hamas Charter],articles 9 , 15; Handbill No. 1; Ahmad bin Yusuf, H arakata l-Muqawama al-Islamiyya: Hamas, Khalfiyat al-nash'a wa-afaq al-masir (Worth, IL. 1989), a, j, 53.
4. Ziyad Abu amr, Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza: the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad (Bloomington, IN, 1994).
5. Benard Lewis, The Jews of Islam (Princeton, 1981). p.33.
6. Richard Mitchell, The Society of the Muslim Brotherhood (Oxford, 1969), pp. 2270.
7. Litvak, Meir, “The Islamization of the Palestinian –Israeli Conflict: The Case of Hamas” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Jan., 1998), pp.148-163.
8. Alain Gresh, The PLO: The Struggle Within Towards an Independent Palestinian State
(London, 1983), pp. 1 33ff.
9. Alain Gresh, The PLO: The Struggle Within Towards an Independent Palestinian State
(London, 1983), pp. 1 33ff.
10. Hamas Charter, articles Nos. 15 and 33; Handbill No.25; 'Hiwar shamil ma'a qiyadat
Hamas', FM, May 1990. Ibrahim Quqa to Liwa al-Islam, 11 Nov. 1988.
11. On the Muslim Brethren's concept of jihad, see Mitchell, The Society, pp.215-16; on the Palestinian Muslim Brethren position on jihad, see Amnon Cohen, Political Parties in the West Bank under the Jordanian Regime, 1949-1967 (Ithaca, NY, 1982), p.205.
12. The Islamic Charter, article 13; 'Wathiqa lil-ta'rikh', addressed to al-Fatah's Fifth Congressin August 1989 in FM, Sep. 1989; Handbill no. 8.