Vol - 6, Issue- 5 ,
Page(s) : 24 - 36
(2015 )
DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH
Today, leadership is more important in the face of changing times demanding flexible and adaptive approaches of dealing with uncertainties and developing commitment amongst employees essential to the success of the organization (marti, gil and barrasa,2009).within the broader gamut of leadership, leadership behavior remains an evolving area of enquiry to obtain clearer theoretical understanding for the scholars and practical implications relevant to today demands of the organizational leaders. The leadership behavior is more critical for emerging economics as these countries are changing from closed to open economies due to globalization and the organizations are becoming more responsive to the markets for sustainable growth. Consequently, participative leadership and employee involvement in decision making to garner support and commitment from the employees with enhanced level of employee job satisfaction is imperative. A western concept of employee participation in decision making (Wilkinson & dundon, 2010) is increasingly gaining importance amongst the developing economies (Miller,2011). Therefore, we still need to know how much and how well specific leadership behaviour are used in the organizations (Yukl, 2012) to influence employee participation in decision making and employee job satisfaction.
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