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    1 Author(s):  GAYETTRI DIXIT

Vol -  6, Issue- 5 ,         Page(s) : 41 - 55  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Man’s progress through the ages has been through his mastery over m ineral resources and their efficient use. The uses of minerals have undergone a major transformation in the last few decades. The emergence of cutting edge technology every day has further led to a stress build-up on the stockpile of global mineral resources. The political turmoil of the first decade of the 21st century has been marked with civil disturbances, local unrest and inter-state anxieties. Such exigencies create a pull-effect on the mineral resources of the world. In recent time tensions on concerning possible scarcities of natural resources have mounted. It is very important to attend to such concerns as they were a recurring feature throughout the history, resurfacing again and again, primarily in response to tight market conditions and price increases. The essential concerns have mostly remained the same in the past decades, focusing on the potential impact of accidental or intentional supply disruptions to the economy as far as its dependency upon certain as far as imported materials is concerned. The continuous strife in different parts of the world has led to the exhaustion of minerals and metals used up in munitions and destructive operations. The magnitude is so great that several minerals and metals have reached almost exhaustion point. In fact continuous turmoil over the world has caused depletion in resources like petroleum, tin, lead and zinc. This is the picture of modern world with its depleted mineral assets. Actually, mineral resources in respect of specific raw materials have fluctuated significantly with market circumstances. Moreover, the sets of raw materials thought by certain countries to be critical have changed over time.

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