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    1 Author(s):  DR. KUNTOL GANGULY

Vol -  6, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 235 - 237  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Literature is the true reflection of our Society. An author gives words to his thoughts and mentality in his creation. But he draws its elements from the Society itself. The sole aim of a literature is not only to delve the readers deep into a romanticizing imaginative world. The vivid picture of our day to day life is picturised through his dramatic plot and conversation. In the field of aestheticism, the two core element that binds a literature are - (i) conflict and (ii) Crises John Gesner in his book “Natyatatter Ruprekha” States that - “Literature represents humanity in moments of maximum tension conflict and crises”. It is evident from his philosophy that the prime success of a literature depends upon its characterisation. William Henry Hadson thus says - “Characterisation is the really fundamental and lusting element in the greatness of any dramatic work”. The characters itself is the reflection of the dramtists idealism, humour and overall social outlook.

1. Niruktam (3/8, 10/3, 5, 7)
2. Manusamhita (chap. 10 Vol - 8)
3. Mahabharata of Vyasa - Translation by K.M. Ganguly.
4. The Mahabharata, Book - 1- Adi Parva; Sambhava Parva, Section xxxiv, p- 416.
5. Prachin Bharater Muni Rishi Gan, Chakraborty Dhanesh Narayan.

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