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    1 Author(s):  SUMIT GOKLANEY

Vol -  6, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 418 - 424  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Indian banking sector has witnessed explosive growth and expansion ever since the era of economic reforms in the form of the liberalization, privatization and globalization was lunched nearly the two decades ago. The growth in the banking sector has created new windows of opportunity for women to find employment in this sector. Till now teaching, nursing, human resource management even medical profession were the areas where women were expected to excel as these were the areas where they could nurture, an extension in a sense of their mothering capabilities. On the contrary manufacturing, stock broking, banking and finance were considered males-only areas as these were assumed to be the areas where analytical skill and ruthless decision making were required instead of high emotional quotients and empathy which are considered to be "feminine" attributes. The attitude was not typical Indian foreign banks we have seven national banks in India at present which are headed by women. This fact clears that women are now entering the top echelons of Indian banking sector and their potential is well recognized by their employers.

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3. http: // articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-10-20/india43219861_1_women-employees-indian-working-women-morewomen cited on 02 Jan 2014
4. http: //www.livemint.com/Opionin/D2bSmgTSg2uPz7SToRe6WJ/Why-too-few-women-bankers.html cited on 2 Jan 2014 
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6. http: //www.thehindu.com/opionion/columns./kalapaa_sharma/banking-on-women/article5275237.ece cited on 03 Jan 2014
7. http://www.livemint.com/Opinion/D2bSmgTSg2uPz7SToReo6W/Why-too-few-women-bankers.html cited on 02 jan 2014
8. http://www.newindianexpress.com/business/Financial-sector-banking-on-women/2013/08/11/article728257.ece cited on 02 Jan 2014
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10. http://www.byimser.com/publication%20pdf%20files/Vol%203%20No.%202%20pdf/13%20Dr%20Meeta%20Pathade%20WORKPLACE STRESS AMONG WOMEN EXCEUTIVES pdf cited on 03 Jan 2014
11. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/Women-bankers-Making-capital/articlehshow/24123788.cms cited on 03 Jan 2014
12. http://content.timejobs.com/why-banking-mints-the-most-women-ces.in-india/http://article.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-10-25/new/43395544_1_vanitha-narayanan-intel-india-ibm-indis cited on 04 Jan 2014
13. http://www.ibscdc.org/Free%20Cases/HRM0061.pdf cited on 05 Jan 2014
14. https://ktwop.wordpress.com/2010/09/women-highly-successful-in-indian-banking-and-in-india-inc/ cited on 04 Jan 2014
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16. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/28/world/asia/28iht-windia-html?pagewanted-all&_r=o cited on 05 Jan 2014
17. http:// www.financialservices.gov.in/reports/HRIssuesOfPSBs.pdf cited on 05 Jan 2014

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