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    1 Author(s):  DR. DEEPAK KUMAR

Vol -  4, Issue- 3 ,         Page(s) : 1096 - 1102  (2013 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The environmental crisis is now known as important public issue and required permanent solution. Only the technology, law or a mere policy cannot solve the problem of environmental pollution. No doubt that these are problem solving tool but without the contribution of society all have less effects. The contribution of the public at large as a researcher, scientist, lawyer or more appropriately social worker, influence theprospects of sustainable development.This contribution of the researcher in their respective areas, reformers, social worker etc. is known as the social work practices and the role of social work practices are important in setting up for sustainable development. These practices with easy work efforts combined with the social, economic, and political components and prepared the foundation in social values.

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8. Oommen, T. K., 2011. Social Movements II- Concern of Equity and Security (Edt.). New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
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