( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  AMIT GADEWAL

Vol -  6, Issue- 5 ,         Page(s) : 313 - 318  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


NGOs prefer the word “project” rather than “business” for the entrepreneurship development activities. The Purpose of this study was to know about the actual facts and condition related to NGOs. 10 NGOs from selected districts of Madhya Pradesh were selected for the study. The various aspects of the selected NGOs were Funding or Financial Sources; Employee Relationship and satisfaction; Attitude towards Agencies; Achievement and publicity & Corruption related problems. A self made questionnaire was administered to all the selected NGOs. There were 20 statements related to various aspects. Responses were investigated in 3 point rating scale. The Face validity of questionnaire was high. The information was collected from the Post holders of the selected NGOs. Descriptive statistics were used to see the status of various aspects of NGOs. Graphical presentation was also be used. It was concluded that Govt. should encouraged the privatisation in almost each sector so that there is kindly need to give special attention to NGOs.

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