1. Economically Active Population, Employment, Unemployment and Hours of Work (Household Surveys) Vol. 4
2. Planning Commission. 2008. Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12. New Delhi. Government of India
3. National Sample Survey Organisation. 2004-05. Employment-Unemployment Situation in India, Round 61st, Report
4. FAO (2010) Gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: Differentiated pathways out of poverty Status, trends and gaps.
5. Employment, Unemployment, Wages and Hours of Work (Administrative Records and Related Sources) (second edition, ILO, Geneva 2004),
6. Total and Economically Active Population, Employment and Unemployment (Population Censuses)
7. Carletto G., Covarrubias, K., Davis, B., Krausova M. & Winters, P. (2007) Rural Income
8. Ministry of Labour & Employment
9. National Sample Survey Organisation. 2004-05. Employment-Unemployment Situation in India, Round 61st, Report