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Vol -  6, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 527 - 531  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Industrial Revolution was brought about by mechanization of industry, agriculture and transport. In the era of cottage industries, there was equitable distribution of wealth, but with the starting of huge factories and mills, wealth began to concentrate in few hands and the economic power went into the hands of capitalists and industrial magnates. Firm establishment of capitalistic forms of business organization led to evils of profiteering and very high rates of interest. Capital became the king in the economic world and throughout the 19th century there was regular exploitation of poor class of society practically in every country. With the expansion of market from the local to national and international boundaries, there appeared a very long chain of middlemen and intermediaries in the machinery of distribution, trying to link the primary producer and the ultimate consumer.

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