Vol - 6, Issue- 11 ,
Page(s) : 80 - 85
(2015 )
DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH
"Non Performing Assets of Public Sector Banks in India by Manish Kapoor presented in International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET)” stated that “The three letters Strike terror in banking sector and business circle today”. NPA is short form of “Non Performing Asset”. The economic future of the country is wholly dependent on banking sector. The problem of NPA show signs of "persistent bane of hitherto developmental policies". "New stratagem is required to attempt effacing of the NPA menace". The significance of the paper is expected to be an immense use to fulfill consumer needs and facing competition with other banks. This study provides the information related to solve NPA problem.
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