1. Ahmed Siddique, Criminology, Problem & Perspective (Eastern Book co. Lucknow, 2005)
2. Avtar Singh Sohal, Capital Punishment Extreme Penalty (Life Span Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2008)
3. B. B. Pande, Murder Most Foul, Though not Rarest of Rare (Eastern book Company, Lucknow, 1996)
4. D.K Das, Globalization and Development (Deep and Deep Publication, Delhi, 1999)
5. H.M. Seervai, Constitutional Law of India (University Book Traders, New Delhi, 2002)
6. Kiran Deshta and Sunil Deshta, Fundamental Human Rights: right to Life and Personal Liberty (Deep & Deep publication, New Delhi, 2004)