( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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Vol -  6, Issue- 12 ,         Page(s) : 258 - 268  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


In modern days the success of most of the organisations depend more on human assets than on physical or financial assets, like building, equipments, manufacturing facilities, and technologies, all these can be readily purchased, but all these resources managed by Human resource so that Human resource plays a vital role in an organisation. Employee turnover has been a never-ending problem for most of the organization especially the developing countries like India. Employees Turnover be it voluntary or involuntary can be costly and disruptive to organization success. Voluntary employee’s turnover affects negatively on organisations performance moreover losing a talented key employee would cost 3-4 times of his annual salary so that retaining key employees for longer period of time is very important. This study tries to analyze factors influencing on voluntary employees turnover, its impact on organisation and key strategies to Retain employees for longer period, for this purpose study uses secondary data from different books research journals, articles, important reports etc.

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  9. Mathur, S. K., & Gupta, S. K. (2012). Global Attrition Management. International Journal of Information and Education Technology , 2 (5).
  10. Mayhew, R. (n.d.). Employee Turnover Vs Attrition. Demand media.
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  12. Mehta, D. m., & Kurbetti, A. (2014). Study on Employee Retention and commitment. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer aScience and Management , 2 (2).
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  15. Shakeel, N., & Sahar. (2015). Factors Influencing Employee Retention: An Integrated. Journal of Resources Development and Management , 6.

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