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    1 Author(s):  PUNAM

Vol -  6, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 206 - 209  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


There is a rich historiography related to the Maratha penetration in Rajasthan. As has been already discussed, James Tod’s treatment of Maratha-Rajput relations is highly biased in favour of the Rajputs. J.N. Sarkar’s work, Fall of the Mughal Empire in four volumes is highly informative and comprehensive. But Sarkar is highly judgemental on each event and the persons involved. It covers all the major political events involving the Marathas and the Rajput States. Subsequent historical writings on Maratha penetration in the region and Maratha-Rajput relations during the eighteenth century have been largely Rajput-centric in approach. Except for Jaipur, Maratha relations with the major Rajput States which witnessed Maratha inroads are presented in the works of G.R. Parihar, K.S. Gupta, R.P. Shastri, M.L. Sharma, Beni Gupta and R.K. Saxena. While examining the relations of the Marathas with the States of Jaipur, Marwar, Kota and Bundi, they have focused more on political narrative about the Maratha-Rajput relations in their works.

1. Muhnot Nainsi, Marwar-ra-Pargana-ri-Vigat, ed. Narain Singh Bhati, Vol. I, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute, 1968.
2. Aaidan Khidiya, Rathora ri Khyat (Jodhpur Raya ka Itihas), ed. Hukum Singh Bhati, Vols. II & III, Itihas Anusandhan Sansthan, Chaupasani, Jodhpur and Rajasthani Granthagar, Jodhpur, 2007.
3. Mishra, Surya Mal, Vamsha Bhaskar, (Mahachampu) ed., Chandra Prakash Dewal, Sahitya Akadami, New Delhi, 2007, Vols. IV, VI, VII.
4. Tawarikh-i-Jaisalmer, Chand, Lakhmi, Jodhpur, Rajasthani Granthagar, 1999 Reprint.
5. Krishnaji Jagannath, Marwar-Maratha Aitihasik Patrawali, tr. Dr. D.B. Kshirsagar, ed. Hukum Singh Bhati, Rajasthani Shodh Sansthan, Chaupasani, Jodhpur, 1990.
6. Sardesai, Govind Sakharam, Marathi Riyasat, Vols. I-VIII, ed., S.M. Garge, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 1988.
7. Holkarshahicha Itihas 1693-1797, Vol. I, ed., V.V. Thakur, Holkar Government Press, Indore, 1944.
8. V.K. Rajwade ed., Marathyancha Itihasachi Sadhane (Sources of Maratha History) in XX Vols.

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