1. Hardy, Thomas. Note Books. Ed. Evelyn Hardy. Londaon: Hogarth, 1955, p.95.
2. Narayan, R.K. ‘My Days” A Memoir’, Mysore: Indian Thought, 1974,p.74-78
3. Lawrence, D.H. The spirit of place: selected literacy criticism (Londaon: William Heinemann, 1967),p.301.
4. Rosenthal, New York Times Book Review, March 23,1958. He has added considerably to this number since then. The number of his novels by 1993 is fourteen.
5. Narayan, R.K. Swami and Friends (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1953),p.11.
6. Narayan, R.K. The Dark Room (London Macmillan and Co., 1938),p.20.
7. Lyengar, K.R.S. Indian Writing in English (Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1962).
8. Mukherjee, Meenakshi. The Twice Born Fiction (New Delhi: Heinemann Educational Books (India), 1971),p.68.
9. Ibid.,