lyenger, K.R. S. Indian writing in English (New Delhi :Sterling Publishers Private Limited,1962.pp 23-36. See also Ernest Bender, “ The Treatment of contemporary Literature in an undergraduate course on Indian civilization,” Introducing India in Liberal Education, ed. Milton Singer (Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1957). pp. 139-56.C Paul Verrghese, Problems of Indian Creative writer in English (Bombay: Somaiya Publications,1971),pp.1-7.Willam Walsh, Commonwealth Literature (London :Oxford university Press,1973),pp.1-6.
2. lbid.,p.3.
3. Bose, Amalendu. Some Poets of the writer’s workshop, Critical Essays on Indian writing in English. Ed. M.K. Naik, et al., (Dharwar Karnatak University,1968).p.32.
4. See report entitled “Indo-English,” WLWE Newsletter,(April 1967),pp.3-5
5. Gokak, V.K. English India : Its Present and Future (New York Asia Publishing House,1964), pp.160-66 .
6. Mukherjee, Sujit. “Indo-English Literature: An essay in Definition” Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English ed. M.K. Naik, et al., (Dharwar: Karnatak University, 1968). p . 205.
7. Ibid., pp. 202-203.
8. Varghese, C Paul. Problems of the Indian Creative Writers in English (Bombay: Somaiya Publicatins,1971)p.9.
9. Lal. P. “Nostalgia Indo-Anglia.” Journal of Indian Writing in English,3,1(January 1975)p.13.
10. Refer to entries on Karkala and Gokak earlier in this chapter (p.3).
11. Bose, Amalendu. “Some Poets of the writers Workshop,” Critical Essays on Indian writing in English Ed. M.K. Naik, et al., (Dharwar: Karnatak University, 1968), pp.31-32.
12. Williams, H.M. Indo-Anglian Literature 1800-1970: A Survey (Bombay: Orient Longman. 1977). P .15. Also refer to B. Rajan, “India,” Literature of the world in English, ed. B.King (London: Rutledge and Kegan Paul, 1974),p.80.
13. Bose, B. “Indian Poetry in English.” The Concise Encyclopedia of English and American Poets and Poetry, ed. Stephen Spender and Donald Hall. (London: Hutchinson, 1963), p.142.
14. Modern Indian Poetry in English, ed. P.Lal (Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 1969), p.444.