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    1 Author(s):  SHYAM DASS

Vol -  4, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 679 - 683  (2013 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Childlessness is the term for people - men and women - having no children. Childlessness may have personal, social and political significance. Marriage is a time honored, the universal institution, the birth of a child is the climax of happy union, fulfillment of a cherished dream and the ultimate desire of a married couple (Dixit, 1991). Every human being has an instinctive desire to become a parent and look after the offspring. For most people, to live alone, even with the loving mate, is unthinkable. Parenthood, as a stage of life, is characterized by the need to look after, to take care to give both materially and it: is terms of affection. For woman, it is also an expression of creativity and has both biological and psychological roots (Anand, 1984).

1. Anand, U. (1984),  Infertility and Infertility Counseling, Journal of Family Wellfare.
2. Allision, and Janet, R. (1979) Roles and Role Conflict of Women in Infertile Couples, Psychology of Women Quarterly.
3. Dixit and Mathur (1976). Sex Role Preference Among Youth Children of Rural and Urban Social Groups,Psychologia.
4. Jejeebhoy, S. (1998). Infertility in India: Levels Pattern and Consequences: Priorities for Social Service Research : The Journal of Family Welfare.
5. Rosenfeld (1984). The Psycho- Social Component of Infertility. Journal of Fertility and Sterlity.
6. Shapiro , D.H. and Constance,  H. (1982). The Impact of Infertility on the Marital Relationship. Social Casework.

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