Vol - 7, Issue- 12 ,
Page(s) : 6 - 13
(2016 )
The present article, “Runway To Partition Of India” endeavors to microscopically evaluate microscopically the year 1942 which has played a crucial role in the partition of India. On partition of India several prominent historians have written volumes of historical literature, e.g.. Hector Bolitho, Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan, 1954, H. V. Hodson, The Great Divide: Britain, India and Pakistan, 1960, Penderel Moon, Divide and Quit, 1961, Nicholas Mansergh, The Transfer of Power 1942-47, 12 vols, 1970-83, Stanley, Wolpert, Jinnah and Pakistan, 1985, P. N. Chopra, ed. ‘Towards Freedom’ Documents on the Movement for Independence in India, 1986, David Page, Prelude to Partition The Indian Muslim Representation in Colonial India, 1989, Amarjit Singh, Punjab Divided Politics of the Muslim League and Partition, 2001, Ian Talbot and Gurharpal Singh, Partition of India, 1909, Indian Cultural Historical Research ‘Towards Freedom’ 1937-47, Vol.1, 1885 and Vol. 11, 1998, New Delhi.
- Azad, Abul Kalam, India Wins Freedom, Calcutta, 1954, p. iii.
- Mujahid, Sharif Al, Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948), p. 11.
- The Muslim League appointed a Committee presided over by the Raja of Pirpur who submitted his report on November 15, 1938. The Pirpur Committee gave quite an exaggerated and at time baseless account of the Congress “atrocities” on the Muslims. It gave distorted meaning to certain expressions like “Bande Matram” as anti-Islamic and idolatrous. The declaration of Hindustani in Devnagari script as the national language, “Vidya Mandir” scheme, denial of the right of cow laughter were taken as anti-Muslim moves and attempts to crush the minorities – Report of the Inquiry Committee (Lucknow, 1938).
- Pirzada S .S., Foundation of Pakistan, Karachi,1969, pp. LXIX-LXX.
- Zaidi, A. M., Evolution of Muslims Political Thought in India, New Delhi, 1978, Vol. 5, pp. 303-04.
- Bhuyan, A.C., The Quit India Movement, Delhi, 1975.
- Mansergh, N. The Transfer of Power 1942-47, Vol.1, London, 1970, p. 389.
- Ibid., p. 461.
- Mansergh, N. Ibid. pp. 565-66.
- Louis Fishcher, A Week With Gandhi, New York, 1942, p.15.
- Ibid.
- Nehru, J. L., The Discovery of India, London, 1946, p. 462.
- Pirzada, S.S., op. cit., p. LXXI.
- Chopra, P.N., Quit India Movement Delhi, 1976, p. 152.
- Nehru, J.L .Ibid., p. 473.
- Tendulkar, D.G., Mahatma: Life of Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi Bombay: 1951-1954,
- p.341.
- Mansergh Nicholas: The Transfer of Power 1942-47 Vol. II, London, pp. 66-67.
- Leader of the Friends Ambulance Unit in India, June, 1942
- Tendulkar, D. G., Ibid., VI, p. 92.
- Harijan, April 26, 1942.N.M.M.L, New Delhi.