1. Stein, J & P.Y Su (Ed.) (1978) The Random House Dictionary, New York, Ballantine Books. P.700.
2. Valantine, C.A, (1968) Culture of Poverty Critique and Counter Proposals, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press. P.12.
3. Gupta, S.P, ‘Conceptualizing Poverty’, Sociological Bulletin, Vol.33, Nos.1 and 2, March, September 1984, p.63.
4. Rowntree, B.S (1910) Poverty: A study of Town Life, London, Macmillan and Co. Ltd, pp vii-ix.
5. Johnson, H.J (1968) ‘Unemployment and Poverty’ in Leo Fishman (Ed.) Poverty AmidsAffluence, New Heaven, Yale University Press, p.183.
6. Schultz. T.W (1968), Economic Growth and Agriculture, Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill. Pp. 65-66.
7. Marx, Karl, (1909), A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, trans. N. I. Stone, Chicago: Charles H. Ker, pp.16-18.
8. Baran&Sweezy (1966), 281 as quoted in Gupta S.P (1986)
9. Townsend P, (1954), ‘The Meaning of Poverty’, British Journal of Sociology, vol.15.No.2, pp. 130-137.
10. Moynihan, D.P (Ed.) (1968), On Understanding Poverty, New York, Basic Books, p.9.
11. Gaplovitz. D. (1963),The Poor Pay More, New York, The Free Press, p. 46.
12. Lewis, O. (1961), The Children of Sanchez, New York, Random House, p.7.
13. Westerguard, J and Reslelr, H (1976) Class in a Capitalist Society, Penguin, p.12.
14. Kincaid, J.C, (1973), Poverty and Equality in Britain: A Study of Social Security and Taxation, Penguin, p.12.
15. Weber, Max, (1964): The Theory of Social and Economic Organisation, New York, The Free Press, pp.131-134.
16. Miliband, R. (9174), Politics and Poverty, London, Weidenfield and Nicolson, p.28.
17. Gans, H.J (1973), More Equality, New York, Pantheon, p.38.
18. Lewis, O. (1966), Lavida, New York, Vintage Books of Random House, p. xi-iii.
19. Wiebe, P.D.(1975), Social Life in an Indian Slum, Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt., Ltd., p.9.
20. Valentine, C.A. (1968), Culture of Poverty, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, p.116.
21. Miller, S.M & Roby, P.(1970), The Future of Inequality, New York, Basic Books, p.53.
22. Watergaard, J &Resler H, (1976) Class in a Capitalist Society, Penguin. P.47.
23. Milliband, R.(1977), Marxism and Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, p. 122.