1. Toby Mendel, Freedom of Information: A Comparative Legal Survey, Second Edition, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 2008. www.unesco.org/webworld/en/foi>
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4. . David Banisar, Freedom of Information around the World - A Global Survey of Access to Government Information Laws, Privacy International, 2006. <www.sspa.it/share/pagine/1635/global_survey2006.pdf>
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6. . Alasdair Roberts, A great and revolutionary law? The first four years of India.s right to information act, Suffolk University Law School, Revised March 2010. http://ssrn.com/abstract=1527858
7. Dr B.N.Mulimani “RTI violation as human rights violation” published in Social Change Ed M.Nagaraj Basaveswar Research and Information centre, jayanagar, Dharwad 2014