( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  MADHURI DHAR

Vol -  7, Issue- 5 ,         Page(s) : 326 - 330  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Paisley is a motif that originated from Persia over three hundred years ago (Oxford Dictionary, 2011) and its appearance is a curved shape outline based on Indian pine- cone objects. The Paisley motif is an elegant and attractive design which contains similar styles of floral and sprigs with the compelling layout and details from the past generally (Ed, 1980). (4) The Paisley pattern reflected the textile development in various stages and conditions that (Rossbach, 1997) had been influencing the culture movements, architecture designs, textile design development, and fashion trends in both Western and Eastern countries like India, France, United Kingdom, United States from past to nowadays.

1. Beg, Mirza Mohammad Afzal, On the Way to Golden Harvests—Agricultural Reforms in Kashmir, Ranbir Government Press, Jammu, 1951.
2. Dalal, Barjor, Report of the Srinagar Riot Enquiry Committee, Samvat, 1988 (1931), Pratap Government Press, 1932.
3. Glancy, B.J., Report of the Commission appointed under the Orders of His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur, dated 12th November 1931, to Enquire into the Grievances and Complaints, Ranbir Government Press, Jammu, 1932.
4. His Highness’ Government, Jammu and Kashmir, Evidence Recorded in Public by the Srinagar Riots Enquiry Committee, Srinagar, 1931.
5. Khan, Bahadur Munshi Ghulam Ahmad, Census of India, 1901, Volume xxiii-A, Kashmir, Part-II-Tables, Civil and Military Gazette Press, Lahore, 1902.
6. Ram, Pt. Anant, Census of India, 1931, Vol. xxiv. Jammu and Kashmir Stare, Part I, Ranbir Government Press, Jammu, 1933.

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