1. Simone de Beauvoir : Critical Essays. Margaret A. Simons (ed.). Bloomington and Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, pp. . 65-91.
2. _____, 1944, Pyrrhus et Cineas. Paris : Editions Gallimard.
3. _____, 2004 [1946a], Litterature and Metaphysics [Litterature et metaphysique], tr. Marybeth Timmermann. Philosophical Writings. The Beauvoir Series, Vol. I. Margaret A. Simons (ed.). Urbana & Chicago : University of Illinois Press, pp. 269-277.
4. _____, 2004 [1946b], Introduction to an Ethics of Ambiguity [Introduction a une morale de I’ ambiguite], tr. Marybeth Timmermann. Philosophical Writings. The Beauvoir Series, Vol. I. Margaret A. Simons ed.). Urbana & Chicago : University of Illinois Press, 289-298.
5. _____, 1956 [1949], The Second Sex [Le Deuxieme sexe I & II] tr. H.M. Parshley. London : Pan Books.
6. Beauvoir and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The Existential Phenomenology of Simone de Beauvoir. Wendy O’Brain & Lester Embree (eds.). Dordrecht, Boston & London : Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 85 – 106.