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Vol -  7, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 102 - 108  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Sovereignty is the supremacy of will and power the term “sovereignty” is relatively more modern than any thing ancient in the modern sense of the term. But this does not mean that the ancient political theories and commentators of religion and Cormier theory has no basic concept of it the word sovereignty is derived form Latin word superman’s (super and anus) which means supreme power and it is a controversial centre of the study of politics “ the modern crystal definition of sovereignty may not appear exactly in the past but the idea of it offer and on appear in the ancient and medieval writings of east and west even prior to Kautilya the concept of sovereignty apparel in the person of the king as in monarchical institution.1

1. D. Deol – Liberation and Marism sterling Publisher Pvt Ltd New Delhi-16, 1983, P. 58.
2. Kantihya, Arthasastra, 8th ed & Eng Tr., R. Shamasastry, Mysore 1967, Book Ist, Chapter I, P.I., R.K. Choudhary, Kantihyas Political Idas and Isntitutions, the Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Of fice, Varanasi 1971, P.7.
3. R.K. Choudhary, Kautihjas Political Ideas  and Institution, Opcef, P.13
4. Ibid. P. 14
5. Usha Mehta & Usha Thakkar, Kautihja and his Arthasastra, S. Chand & Co. New Delhi- 55, 1980, P.20, R.k. Choudhary Of cif. PP. 14-15.
6. Usha Mehta &  Usha Thakkar op. ut. PP-20-21, R.K. Choudhary, op ut, PP,15
7. R.K. Choudhary oput, PP 47, 56
8. Usha Mehta & Usha Thakkar op cif.P17., R.K. Choudhary op cit. P. 47.
9. V.P. Varma, Ancient and Medieval Indian Political Thought, Lakshmi Narayan Aggarwal, Pub. Agra-3, 1986,PP.61,69,
10. Ibid, PP. 60-61
11. R.K. Choudhary. Kautihya’s Political op cit, P-12, V.P Varma. Op. cit.P .61
12. R. shamasastry, Kantihya’s Arthasastra, Mysore Printing And Publishing House, Mysore, 1967 PP 23-24, V.P Varma op cit, P. 62
13. R.K. Choudhary, Op uit. PP- 62-63
14. Usha Mehta & Usha Thakkar, Op. uit PP. 30-31, V.P. Varma, Op Uit. PP-62-64.
15. Pramathanath Bandyopadhyay, Internatinal Law and Custom in Ancient India, Ramanand Vidya Bhawan, Delhi – 55, 1982,PP,10.11.
16. Arthasastra. BK III. Ch. I.
17. R. K. Choudhary, Op. uit. PP.97-98
18. Usha Mehta & Usha Thakkar Op. uit.PP. 18-19
19. Vachaspati gairola, Arthasastra Of Kanutilya and canakya Sutra, Chowkhamba Vidya Bhawan, Varanasi, 1984, PP.441-44, R. Shamasastry. Op uit.PP289-91, R.P. Kangle, Part II Op.uit PP317-17, Usha Mehta & Usha Thakkar Op uit.PP.19-20,
20. Ibid A.s. Altekar, State and Government in Ancient India, Motilal Banarsi Dass Delhi -7, 1984, P.45, H.N. Sinha, The Development Of Indian Polity Asia Publishing House. Bombay-I, 1963, P. 110, R.C. Majumdar, Ancient India, Motilal Banarsi Dass, Varanase, 1977,P. 147.
21. R.K. Mookerji, Chandra Guppta Maurya and His times, Motilal Banarsi Dass, Delhi – 7, 1988, P.73, H.N. Sinha Op.uit. P.110 Usha Mehta & Usha Thakkar Op.uit P-19.
22. Sources of Indian Tradition, Compited by  Theodore de Bary, Stephen Haym Royan Whiver and Andrew Yarrow, pub Motilal Banarsi Das, Delhi -7, 1963,1973, 1988, PP249-51.
23. R.K. Choudhary, Op uit. P.58, Usha Mehta & Usha Thakkar,Op uit. PP.20-21.
24. R. Shamasastry, Op.cit. PP,291,56,R.K. Choudhary Op. cit. P. 60
25. V.P. Varma, Op, uit. P. 62, R. Shamasastry, Op. uit. P. 356
26. V.P. Varma,  The Ancient and medieval Indian Political Thought, Op.uit, P. 62.

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