1. Britains Commission on Citizenship, encouraging Citizenship 1990, State of Australia, Active Citizenship Revised 1991
2. W.R. Gallie, Essentially contested concept (Proceeding of the Aristoleian society, 1955), P.P97-114
3. Aristotle, Politics (Hamonds warth, Penguin, 1981), P.19.
4. D. Heater, citizenship:The civil ideal in world history, Politics and education (London, Long man, 1990)
5. Ibid., P.2.
6. J.J. Rousseau, The Social contract (Harmonds worth,Penguin 1968)
7. J. Schumpeter, capitalism, socialism and Democracy (London Allen and Unwin, 1976)
8. E.M. White : The Philosophy of citizenship, (London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. ,1921), P.7
9. The one great thing is edu & nuruture : if the citizens are well educated they will easily see way through other matter; The Republic
10. The Republic is not so much a treatise on politics, it is the finest treatise on Politics, it is the finest treatise on edu. that ever was written –Roussean .
11. Barker, op. cit., 210
12. Regional Archives Allahabad, Year 1890-91, File no. F/IX- 25, Revised Rules and text book etc. for scholarship exam and final standard exam 1897, cirular no 3 of 1891
13. Education was to permeate the masses from above Drop by from the himalayas of Indian life useful information was to tricle downwards performing in time abroad and stately stream to Irrigate the thirsty plants, Arthus meanlay the education of India. P. 92
14. Christian vernacular edu. society for India was created in may 1858 as a memorial to the Indian Mutiny
15. NCF, 2005
16. Mudaliar Commission Report.
17. "Ko thari Commission Report" Published by Ministry of education-govt of India 1964-66
18. "National Policy on Education", Published by Ministry of education – Govt of India, 1968, P-2
19. "National Policy on Education", Published by Ministry of education – Govt of India, 1986.
20. "National Chrriculam Framework", Publised by NCERT, 2005, P-61.