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Vol -  8, Issue- 6 ,         Page(s) : 60 - 64  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The NREGA provided that, 100 days of guaranteed wage employment should be provided to every rural household seeking unskilled manual work. Quite succinctly, the Act led to a paradigm shift in the way earlier government employment generation programmes were conceptualized and implemented. It made employment a basic right of individual, which a government could not deny, or in such case will have to pay compensation. The Act also made it compulsory to put in place several transparency and accountability mechanisms like social audit, which handed the baton of democracy right into hand of individuals and communities. It also, in certain ways transformed the information management system drastically with field level offices required to provide regular updates on progress of the scheme, which is available throughout the country and is a remarkable example of e-governance.

1. Baseline survey (2002), Social Audit of governance and delivery of public services page no- 1-12  
2. David Owen and Tracey Swift (2001). "Introduction to Social Accounting, reporting and auditing: Beyond the rhetoric. Business Ethics: A European Review, Volume 10, Number 1,page no – 1-8
3. Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability (2000), “Free Spreckely, Social Entreprise Partnership-Local Livelihoods" page no – 55-79
4. Janmejay Singh and Parmesh Shah (2003). "Operational Manual for Community Based Performance for the strategy for poverty alleviation (SPA II)". The World Bank page no- 112-118
5. John Pearce, Peter Raynard, and Simon Zadek New Economics Foundation, London (1996)” Social Auditing for Small Organizations: A Workbook for Trainers and Practitioners” page no-28-34
6. Kurian Thomas,(2003) Community Based Self-help Groups in Andhra Pradesh State of India, Centre for Good Governance; Working paper No: 12-2003
7. Kumar Somesh, (2002) Methods for community participation: A complete guide for practitioners; Page no -28-38
8. Professor Percy Allan AM Principal, Percy Allan & Associates Pvt Ltd Mutual Account-Ability: NCOSS Conference Paper (25 September 2001)”Social Auditing “
9. Resources and Human Relations Department (2002). "Social Audit 2000: Facts and Figures".
10. Robert D. Hay (2001). "Social Audit: An experimental approach". Academy of Management Journal, Volume 18, Number 4. Rob Gray, et. al (1997) "Struggling with the praxis of social accounting: Stakeholders, accountability, audits and procedures". Accounting, auditing and accountability, vol. 10, No. 3.
11. Simon Zadek and Peter Raynard (2003) "Accounting for Change: The Practice of Social Auditing". Michael Edwards and Alan Fowler ed. "The Earthscan Reader on NGO management". Earthscan India, New Delhi. Page no-124-145
12. The Hindu, dated, Dec 15, 2002 “Social Audit policy on the anvil” page no-5
13. Tim Taylor Skills & Projects, (September 2001) “Social Auditing”

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