Vol - 8, Issue- 6 ,
Page(s) : 112 - 116
(2017 )
The Tangkhuls are one of the major tribes of Manipur, North-east India. The North-east India is a hugely diverse region with a colossal of ethnic groups. This region is characterized by a rich indigenous culture. Each culture has its own oral tradition. The importance of oral tradition for every culture is enormous. For many indigenous communities of the Indian state of Manipur, as is the case with many indigenous communities in India’s Northeastern region, oral tradition is often the only means for tracing the indigenous culture. Oral tradition thus plays an almost inestimable role in the culture affected by assimilation, transculturation etc. in today’s changing world. This paper is an attempt to briefly explore the Tangkhul’s oral tradition and its importance for tracing the indigenous culture. In essence, the paper seeks to open up new methods of enquiry by studying the oral traditions closely concerning the preservation and promotion of oral tradition.
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