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Vol -  8, Issue- 6 ,         Page(s) : 137 - 140  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have shown a rising trend which affects the health status of people in developing countries. Worldwide, NCDs act as a major cause of death and serious health concern for the people living in developing economies.WHO states that, in 2020, NCDs will prevail 80 percent, globally, which act as a major burden of illnesses and cause seven out of 10 deaths in developing nations (Mathers, C. D. &Loncar, D. (2006). NCDs which are widely prevalent and emerge as an illness in developing economies are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Mohammed, S. & Shariful, I. (2014). According to World Health Statisitics, by WHO in 2012, over 1 in 10 males and females aged 25 years and more have high blood sugar.

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