1. Kamlesh. M. L, Principal and History of Physical Education, Friends Publication, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Deshpande, Dr. S. H, Physical Education in Ancient India, Jain-Amar Printing Press, Gonda, U. P., 1992.
3. Rajgopalan, K, “Brief History of Physical Education in Ancient India (From Earliest Time to the End of Mughal Period)”, Army, Delhi, 1962.
4. Rice. E.A., A Brief History of Physical Education, A. S. Barnes $ Co. New York, 1929.
5. Khan, Eraj Ehmad, History of Physical Education Scientific B.K, Patna, 1964.
6. Altekar. A.S., Education in Ancient India, Indian Book Shop, Varanasi, 1934.