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    1 Author(s):  DR. RAKESH RANJAN

Vol -  8, Issue- 1 ,         Page(s) : 397 - 400  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The India league in London was a successor to several organizations working towards either establishing channels between Indian intelligentsia and the British authorities or encompassing a range of political activity leading to an alignment with the Congress Party in India. This is not to suggest that the Indian Independence Movement in England commenced with the India League.

1. Title taken from “India League” being chapter XII of Centenary History of the Congress Contributed by Julius Silverman, Secretary of the India League in London and ultimately becoming its chairman.
2. British Labour and the Indian Left, 1919-1939 an article contributed by Partha Sarthi Gupta pp. 70 [Socialism in India Ed. B.R. Nanda, Vikas, 1972]
3. The India League- Julius Silverman- Chapter XII of of Centenary History of the Congress Vol III.
4. V.K. Krishna Menon- quoted by his biographer V.K. Madhavan Kutti- Publications Division, New Delhi 1988 pp 53.
5. T.J.S. George, ‘Krishna Menon’ A Biography (London, 1964) p 52 (quoted in G. Partha Sarthi’s Article - British Labour and the Indian Left – in socialism in India Ed. B.R. Nanda Vikas 1973 – p 108
6. British Labour and the India Left 1919-1939 – Partha Sarthi Gupta’s article (referred to above) p 101
7. Quoted from – An Autobiography by J.L. Nehru p 543
8. I bid ……… p 548
9. V.K. Krishna Menon – V.K. Madhavan Kutty, Publications Division 1988 p 40
10. The India League by Julius Silverman (the article forming chapter XII of Centenary History of the Congress Vol III page 847
11. British Labour and the India Left 1919-1939, Partha Sarthi Gupta (An article  in Socialism in India Ed.B.R. Nanda Vikas 1972, p 114
12. Imperialism and British Labour – P.S. Gupta, pp 257-259
13. India League – Julius Silverman (Being Chapter XII of the Centenary History of Congress Vol III p 860…
14. I bid – p 865

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