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    1 Author(s):  DR SHRIRAM BIJAPUR

Vol -  1, Issue- 3 ,         Page(s) : 10 - 18  (2010 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Every year, a huge number of people the world over are coercively migrated and resettled far from their homes, lands and employments so as to clear a path for substantial scale improvement projects, for example, dams, repositories, power plants, streets, manors, urban recharging, and oil, gas, and mining projects. This constrained migration is known as Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement, or DIDR

  1. Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. Guidelines on Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement in Development Projects. African Development Bank, 1995.
  2. Ahluwalia, M.S.(2000). “Economic Performance of States in Post-Reform Period”. Economic and Political Weekly, May 6
  3. Ahluwalia, Montek (2002).. “India’s Vulnerability to External Crisis. An Assessment”
  4. Fernandes, Walter. “Rehabilitation Policy for the Displaced”. Economic and Political Weekly, 39.12, (2004): 1191-1193.
  5. Lobo, Lancy: Land Acquisition, Displacement and Resettlement in Gujarat 1947-2004, New Delhi, 2009, p. 6&8.
  6. The Hirakud Dam Oustees’ by Philip Viegas in ‘Big Dams…..’ ed. EnakshiGanguly Thukral,1992. 5 Update, Delhi Forum, September 1996.. 
  7. Ministry of Rural Development. NPRR National policy on Resettlement and Rehabilitation for Policy Affected Families – 2007. New Delhi: Department of Land Resources, 2007.
  8. Parasuraman, S. The Development Dilemma: Displacement in India. Macmillan Press Ltd., 1999. 
  9. Reddy M.Y.V. and S.S. Tarapore. Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy: Issues for a Reforming Economy. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, chapter 9, p183-214(2002).
  10. Paranjpye, Vijay (1988) Evaluating the Tehri dam: An Extended Cost-Benefit Appraisal. Indian National Trust for Art and Culture (INTACH), New Delhi. 
  11. Sharma, R N. “Involuntary Displacement: A Few Encounter”. Economic and Political Weekly, 38.1, (2003): 907-912.
  12. Sharma, Aruna.(Limaye)  “Impact of Globalization on the Vulnerable Groups”. Journal of the Human Rights Commission, 6, (2007): 37-44. 
  13. RenuBhanot&Mridula Singh in ‘The Oustees of Pong Dam…’in ‘Big Dams : Displaced People’ ed. EnakshiGangulyThukral, 1992.
  14. Toye, Johan. Dilemmas of Development. Oxford: Blackwell, 1987.
  15. World Bank. Resettlement and Rehabilitation in IndiaVOL. I &II. New Delhi: World Bank, 1994.

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