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Vol -  8, Issue- 12 ,         Page(s) : 28 - 37  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The Progressive and pro-people thoughts and movements emerged in Karnataka since medieval Karnataka . In medieval period such movement was led by Sri Basaveshwara and Kanaka Dasa. Which later on became bedrock to the emergence of powerful Dalit movement in modern Karnataka. British Education and the Missionary activities for the upliftment of Panchamas by Krishnaraj Wodeyar IV and the straggle of Phule, Shahu, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Movements created mass awakening among the Dalits. It also gave rise to the emergence of powerful Dalit thinkers in contemporary Karnataka. Further the emergence of Dalit organizations and political parties since 1970’s onwards gave fill up to the regeneration of Dalit Movement. Indeed the Bhosa community. Its episode is a corner stone for the emergence of Dalit Sangrsh Samiti, Bandaya and Dalit literary movement, through which Dalit thinkers forward to the limelight of socio-political life. This became platform for the Dalit thinkers and intellectuals. In view of this the present study focuses on critically analyzes about the Dalit-Bahujan thinkers.

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