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    1 Author(s):  DR. NAGAMONY. P. S

Vol -  9, Issue- 1 ,         Page(s) : 34 - 38  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Swami Vivekananda the young vibrant monk of 19th century India, was proud of belonging to a culture with a long tradition of respecting the womanhood. He was very much influenced by the tradition of India’s gifted women who were intellectually and spiritually enlightened. Citing the examples of women characters of Ithihasas and Puranas, he highlighted the roles the Indian woman played to selflessly fulfill her duties or Dharma at different stages of life. He would wax eloquent on Sita, the central woman character in Ramayana and exhort Indian women to make Sita their role model. Inspired by the culture of India which regarded woman as embodiment of Divine Mother, he taught the world to respect the ideal of motherhood in every woman. He believed that the ideal of motherhood depends on the qualities like love, sacrifice, responsibility, compassion and tireless service in women. Vivekananda was firmly against the modern Indian woman’s tendency to imbibe western thoughts and culture through imitation. He strongly believed that imitation of western materialistic thoughts and culture will not help to bring about any social progress in a country like India, where spirituality and morality determine the social life of the people. He urged that social and intellectual progress of women in India should be promoted only by preserving their individuality and cultivating faith in them. He suggested that women should be guided by their inner voice, controlling their sense organs which help them cultivate the power of concentration, dedication and renunciation in their work. He believed that women will be fit enough to hand over the Nation’s cultural heritage to the future generation only if they become fearless, faithful to one’s own self and preserve the grace of womanhood in their very character

1. The Complete works of Swami Vivekananda, (Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta, 1989), Vol. II, p. 504.
C.W, Vol.III , p . 255.
3.  C.W, Vol.II, p.506.
4.  C.W., Vol.VIII , p .57. 
5.  C.W, Vol.VI, p.149.
6.  His Eastern and Western Disciples, The life of Vivekananda, (Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta, 1989), Vol.I, p .69. 
7. Ibid., p. 192.
8.  Gambhirananda, Swami, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, (Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, 1969), p.519. 
9.  C.W, Vol.V, p.241.
10.  C.W, Vol.V,  p. 231.
11. Nivedita, Sister, The complete works of Sister Nivedita-The web of Indian life, (Advaita Ashrama,Calcutta,1967),  Vol. II, p.506.
12.  C.W, Vol.IV, p. 479-480.

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