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    1 Author(s):  DR. VIJAY KUMAR CHAWLA

Vol -  8, Issue- 1 ,         Page(s) : 431 - 445  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The present study was aimed on exclusive focus onSahgal’s major concern in her novels i.e. theme of agony and pain of women in thesociety.I have tried my best to make it clear that NayantaraSahgal’s journey as a woman writer starts from the search for selfhood and reaches its culmination in the attainment of it. She has a humanitarian dislike of suffering and inequality. She is sensitive to the suffering of Indian women and champions their cause. Almost in all her novels, Sahgal has gone deep into the female psyche. She is able to go deep into the psyche of her female characters and study them with sympathy and understanding. As a woman novelist, Sahgal recognizes that her primary obligation is that of advocating the emancipation of women.

1. Beauvoir Simone De, The Second Sex, trans. And ed. H.M.Parshley (1953; rpt.Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1983), p.445.
2. TalwarSreeRashmi, Woman’s Space: The Mosaic World of Nayantara Sahgal and Margaret Drabble (Creative Books, New Delhi, 1997), p.14.
3. Sahgal Nayantara: ‘A Time to be Happy’: Jaico Publisher, New Delhi, 1964, p.35.
4. Ibid. p.42.
5. Ibid. p.200.
6. Ibid. p.201.
7. Sahgal Nayantara: This Time of Morning (Hind Pocket Books, New Delhi, 1965), p.16.
8. Arora Neena, NayantaraSahgal and Doris Lessing (Prestige Books, New Delhi, 1991), p.114.
9. Sahgal Nayantara: This Time of Morning (Hind Pocket Books, New Delhi, 1965), p.32.
10. …………………….., “Women: Persons or Possessions?” The Hindustan Times, 18 December 1971, p.7.
11. …………………….., This Time of Morning (Hind Pocket Books, New Delhi, 1965), p.79.
12. …………………….., Storm in Chandigarh, (Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1988), p.97.
13. Ibid. p.104.
14. Ibid. p.136.
15. Ibid. p.170.
16. Ibid. p.123.
17. Ibid. p.28.
18. Barat Urbashi, “Feminism in The Day in Shadow: Archetypal Patterns and Interpersonal Relationship” Points of view, Vol.II.No: Winter 1995, p.72.
19. Sahgal Nayantara, The Day in Shadow, (Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1971, p.5.
20. Ibid. p.7.
21. Ibid. p.89.
22. Ibid. p.4.
23. Ibid. p.39.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid. p.53.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid, p.140.
28. Ibid, p.122.
29. Ibid, p.188.
30. Ibid, p.107.
31. Sahgal Nayantara, “A Situation in New Delhi”, (Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1988, p.23.
32. Ibid, p.61.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid, p.95.
35. Liu Marcia P.,”Continuity and Development in the Novels of Nayantara Sahgal”, Journal of Indian Writing in English, 8, Nos 1-2(Jan-July 1980).
36. Sahgal Nayantara, ‘Rich like Us’ (Sceptre Books, 1987), p.65.
37. Ibid, p.24.
38. Ibid, p.25.
39. Ibid, p.29-30.
40. Sahgal Nayantara,The Day in Shadow, (Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1971, p.179.
41. Arora Neena, NayantaraSahgal and Doris Lessing (New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1991), p. 61.
42. TalwarSreeRashmi, Woman’s Space: The Mosaic World of Nayantara Sahgal and Margaret Drabble (Creative Books, New Delhi, 1997), p.121.
43. Sahgal Nayantara, ‘Plans for Departure’, (Penguin Books, London, 1987), p.79.
44. Jain Jasbir, opcit,p.151
45. Ibid.p.175.
46. Choubey Asha, ‘The Fictional Milieu of Nayantara Sahgal: A Feminist Perspective, Classical Publishing Company, New Delhi, p.95.
47. Ibid.p.98.
48. Sahgal Nayantara, Lesser Breeds, p.123. 
49. Korte Barbara, English Travel Writing: from Pilgrimages to Post Colonial Explorations trans. Catherine Matthias, London: Macmillan 2000.
50. Musgrave Brian, “Travel and Unsettlement: Freud on Vacation”, in Travel Writing and Empire: Post Colonial Theory in Transited Steve Clark, London: Zed Books, 1999, pp.31-44.
51. Sahgal Nayantara, Lesser Breeds, p.35. 
52. …………………….., “Women: Persons or Possessions”, Hindustan Times (Sunday Magazine) (19 July 1970), p. IV: I.
53. ………………………., “Passion for India”, Indian Literature, No.129, Vol. XXXII, No. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1989), p. 84.
54. Rao ,A. V. Krishna, Nayantara Sahgal: A Study of Her Fiction and Non-Fiction (Madras: M. Seshachalam& Co., 1976), p 58.

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