Vol - 9, Issue- 6 ,
Page(s) : 44 - 53
(2018 )
Victimology is the science of study of victimization and relation of victim and offender and the interaction between victim and criminal justice system. The present research paper will deal with the most vulnerable class of the society, i.e. ‘Child Victim’. In India more than 53% of children are the victim of crime affecting from sexually, physically, emotionally and mentally. The research paper shall emphasize on the multidimensional aspects of child victim which includes the sociological, psychological and legal aspects.Victimization of child begins from the date when a child is conceived in the womb of the mother. The child victim of an immature age has a greater traumatic effect which often persists throughout his life leading to various disorders both mentally and physically. It is unfortunate that despite of the various legislations and the judicial pronouncements, the State is failing to achieve the very objective of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Article 21 of the Constitution of India. The noble aim of the research paper is to examine and discuss the various issues relating to child victimization due to emerging crimes in India.
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- Paranjape, Dr. N.V., Criminology and Penology with Victimology, 15th Ed., Central Law Publications Ltd., Allahabad, 2011, p. 663.
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- Ibid.
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- (1997) 8 SCC 114.
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- AIR 1988 SC 2127
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- Ibid.
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