1. NeethaLal “criminalizing beggars ested of rehabilitating them” Dehli, eco change news and futures, June 2007
2. Fahadhameedrana “begging a sickening nuisance” website www.straightdope.com/mailbag/mbegprofit.html.
3. Shrivathsava k and Santosh “A public audit of beggary relief system” Rarstothansankalp, Bangalore, 2010
4. The Karnataka prohibition of beggary act-1975 and(amendment act-1982,1988,2002)”, Central Relief Committee, Govt.of Karnataka. Bangalore.
5. “Rules for the prohibition of beggary act-1975 and (amendment act-1990&1997)” Central Relief Committee, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore
6. Krishna B.R., “Aparadhashasthra”, vidyanidhiprakashana, Gadag, 1995.