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    1 Author(s):  DR. S. SUBHASHINI

Vol -  9, Issue- 7 ,         Page(s) : 115 - 122  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Every society does have their unique attitude towards the aspect of immigration or immigrants, and the sorts of attitude they tend to develop are influenced by various factors. Among such factors, the one factor that has been emphasized over and over again is the “economic factors”. These have been highlighted numerous times and held accountable for an anti-immigration backlash as well. Key aspects that form the global employment competition aren't just limited to the business or commercial realm including goods, services along with the capital flow; it has affected the human as well (Ruhs& Vargas-Silva, 2014). What determines proper attitude towards the matter of immigration or immigrants has gained significant attention from numerous researchers from across the globe. Numerous researchers have revealed that individual characteristics are the ones that majorly influence individual attitude towards immigration. Numerous studies have revealed that the individual traits and the national characteristics are the major influencing factors that shape a negative attitude towards immigration and immigrants. Apart from individual and national traits, the numbers of studies focusing on regional characteristics influencing individual or societal behavior towards the immigration or immigrants are even fewer. This research identifies various factors that do have the potential to influence the manner people or societies choose to behave or develop attitude towards immigration. The perspective that would be highlighted in the study is “how immigration is jeopardizing economic stability”, which in turn is triggering hostile attitude towards the immigrants.

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