Vol - 8, Issue- 5 ,
Page(s) : 245 - 254
(2017 )
DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH
Growing old is a natural phenomenon. For some it is can smooth but for some the journey can be tough. Old age homes has been dotting cities of various countries for centuries now. Growing old is not only challenging for a person’s physical behavior but his mental behavior can also be affected with growing age. The physical behavior includes lack of reflex action, slow joint movement, difficulty in walking etc. Psychological factors affecting a person in old age can be his involvement in society or isolation from society. Generally, it is observed that people in old ages are left on their own to survive which often affects their mental well-being. Also, due to their lack of ability to do any work, they are also affected by financial constraints. This paper focuses on the well-being related to personality, social-support and values in old age with regard to both male and female or an old age person with or without spouse.
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