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    1 Author(s):  RANJANA RANI

Vol -  8, Issue- 3 ,         Page(s) : 210 - 215  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Women, who usually lead protected lives. From childhood they are protected under the shelter of her father and after marriage under the shelter of her husband’s. But when those women come in conflict with law and are imprisoned, it becomes impossible for them to cope with the prison environment. Prison isolates the women from their family and friends. And most of the times even their family and friends reject them, which brings depression, guilt and torment on them. Traditionally, most of the prison inmates were males, and the prison environment is therefore shaped the needs of males and does not cater to the special needs of women prisoners. The gender disadvantage and discrimination get worsened during imprisonment, which is further amplified upon their release from prison. Women in prison suffer from double disadvantage. Women prisoners frequently become the victims of physical and sexual abuse by the jail authority themselves. At times, male staff does not hesitate to do frisk search on female prisoners. There are instances when prison staff have endorsed and supported bullying and verbal abuse of women prisoners, if they do not listen to them

1. National Crime Records Bureau of India, Prison Statistics 2015.
2. National Crime Records Bureau of India, Prison Statistics 2016.
3. Report of the Asian Centre for Human Rights, “Torture in India 2011”.
4. https://kractivist.wordpress.com/2013/05/10/india-ignoring-custodial-deaths-prisons/
5. The article on “INDIAN PRISON SYSTEM: CASE STUDY OF TIHAR JAIL”, June 14, 2014 
6. D.K Basu v. State of West Bengal ( AIR SC1996)
7. UN Global Report on Crime and Justice 1999
8. Srivastav A “Women in India – Problems and Prospects”. Indian Publishers Distributors, Delhi, 2004.
9. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/Ex-womenprisoners-say-conditions-bad-inmates-tortured/articleshow/7650943.cms
10. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-04-22/delhi/31381841_1_jail-warden-tihar-jail-jailstaff

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