1- Jaya Kothari Pillai : Women and Empowermenr.
2- MkW0 izKk 'kekZ] Hkkjrh; lekt esa ukjh dh xkSjoe;h ;k=kA
3- A Kelkar : Anthropological Aspects of Women Bondage.
4- Anil Dutta Mishra: Gender Perspectives.
5- A.M. Winchester : Genetics, a Survey of the Principles of Heredity.
6- A.M. Winchester : Genetics, a Survey of the Principles of Heredity.
7- N. Jayapalan : Women's Studies.
8- izHkk vkIVs % Hkkjrh; lekt esa ukjhA
9- MkW0 izKk 'kekZ % efgyk l'kfDrdj.k ,oa fodklA
10- Anil Dutta Mishra: Gender Perspectives
11- Gurew Saneja : Feminist Knowledge.
12- A Sahu : Women's Liberation & Human Hights.
13- A.M. Winchesten : Genetics.
14- Levistruss : The Family.
15- Sherry ortner Section II, Nature and Culture, from women's Qucstion. Readlings on the subordinations of women, fountana Paper Backs.
16- Levi Strauss, The family, in H. Shop ro (ed) Man, Cutureand Society Oxford University press.
17- Fredrick Engles, The origin of the faimily, Private Property and the State Moscow, Foreign Language Publishing House.
18- A. Keekar : Anthropological Aspect of women Bondage.
19- Sherry Ortner : Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender.